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Daifuku Mochi

Japan ????????

Time: 90 minutes + overnight | Servings: 8 mochi | Rating: ★☆☆☆☆

Daifuku Mochi


For the Red Bean Paste

  • ½ lb azuki beans
  • 1 ¼ cup granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon salt

For the Mochi

  • 115 g glutinous rice flour
  • ¼ cup granulated sugar
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch


  1. The night before you plan to make this, put ½ pound of azuki beans in a deep pot and pour enough water to cover them and soak overnight.
  2. After soaking overnight, put the pot on high heat and bring to a boil. You want to make sure the beans are still covered with water so you may have to add some.
  3. Turn down the heat to medium and simmer azuki for about 10 minutes.
  4. Drain in a colander then put the azuki beans back in the pot and add about four cups of water.
  5. Bring to a boil on high heat then turn down the heat to low and simmer azuki beans for about one hour or until softened.
  6. Carefully drain the liquid from the pot.
  7. Add 1 ¼ cups of granulated sugar (adjust to your liking) and 1 teaspoon salt and further simmer azuki until it becomes your desired thickness then remove from heat.
  8. In a large bowl, mix together the 115 grams of glutinous rice flour, ¼ cup of granulated sugar, and ½ cup of water until combined.
  9. Loosely cover with cling wrap and microwave for 1 minute.
  10. With the spoon, give it a quick mix, re-cover and pop back in the microwave for another minute.
  11. With a spatula, pull the mochi away from the sides of the bowl and fold it in until it’s a rough dough ball shape. It should be sticky and pliable, with the color turning from bright white to a more translucent cream.
  12. Spread the cornstarch on a clean dry surface and pop the mochi onto it using the spatula. Cover the mochi with cornstarch until it’s no longer sticky, molding it into a thick and flat disc and allow to cool for a few minutes.
  13. Roll 1 tablespoon of your red bean paste into a ball, and repeat until you have 8 balls ready to wrap with mochi. You will have extra bean paste.
  14. Grab the cooled mochi dough and cut into 8 even pieces using a knife.
  15. Coat your fingertips in the cornstarch and pick up your first piece of mochi. Flatten and shape into a disc around 2 inches wide. Place a ball of red bean paste into the center and wrap the mochi dough around it. Pull up the edges into the center and pinch it altogether. Place the mochi seam side down and repeat with the remaining dough and bean paste. Serve immediately. Enjoy!