St. Patty’s Day 6-Packs
1. Select your cupcakes → 2. Click “Select Quantities” → 3. Pay Online → 4. Pickup in Leesburg → 5. Happy St. Patty’s Day!
Porch pickup in Leesburg on Fri., March 12; Sat., March 13; Sun., March 14; or Wed., March 17

Green Velvet
Our cream cheese buttercream topped red green velvet cupcake is chocolatey, velvety, and undeniably red green.

Vanilla Pot of Gold
Our classic vanilla cupcake topped with a sky blue vanilla buttercream, clouds, and a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Chocolate Pot of Gold
Our classic chocolate cupcake topped with a blue vanilla buttercream and a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Bailey’s Irish Cream
A rich Bailey’s chocolate cupcake paired with a decadent Bailey’s Irish buttercream topped with chocolate sprinkles.